To convert sick care into healthcare to live a productive, meaningful life

Taking Healthcare to People

Donations start from $25 USD. You decide wether it's a single donation or a monthly donation. Payment by Paypal.

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Donations start from $25 USD. You decide wether it's a single donation or a monthly donation.

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Our Mission

To create an accessible, modern, and digital healthcare ecosystem of mobile and walk-in clinics for underserved communities by focusing on continuous preventive care and diagnostics to live healthier, longer, and better.

Current Causes

What’s Needed

At Sehr Care, we firmly believe that the availability of an accessible, affordable, and digital preventive healthcare ecosystem can help extend the population's life expectancy and significantly reduce the percentage of each of the leading causes of death in Pakistan.

We aim to work towards our mission by starting small and focusing on underprivileged rural and near-rural populations in select cities and towns to get the proper healthcare awareness and accessibility. It will drive momentum for the target population to proactively take care of their health by understanding their physiology, genetics, and underlying diseases to continually monitor their health and capture impending conditions before they become the reason for their death.
Out of 193 countries, Pakistan stands at 150 from top to bottom in the life expectancy World Meter conducted in 2020. Sehr Care aims to move the needle by increasing the population's lifespan over time and genuinely converting this dilemma of sick care to preventive healthcare.

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With better healthcare, we can better treat some of the leading causes of death, impacting how long we live and the quality of life. By investigating how to understand our anatomy and physiology proactively and treat symptoms and diseases, we will inevitably better understand the causes of health issues and illnesses in the first place, which directly correlates to why we get sick and age.
Sehr Foundation's moonshot enables an accessible, modern, and digital healthcare ecosystem that focuses on continuous preventive care and diagnostics to live a better quality of life while proactively staying aware of any impending health risks. We manage and treat them with the best possible healthcare to live an extra ten healthy years (or longer) with our loved ones. We must move away from damage control to prevention.

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Sehr Care ran a few campaigns over the past 12 months on a best-effort basis as follows:

Ramadan Drive

The first steps are the hardest to take. In 2019 Sehr Care started with Ramadan Drive in the holy month of Ramadan...

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Winter Clothing Drive

Winters are rough in Pakistan, with limited availability of heating mechanisms and the proper winter clothes to...

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Ration Drive

As we all witnessed, the world went into crisis during the Covid-19 time, and survival became the utmost need for...

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State of Healthcare in Pakistan

Pakistan is the world's fifth-most populous country, the third-most populous nation in Asia, and the second-most populous Islamic country. Six major ethnic groups live in the country.
The country's population crossed 237 million in Q4 of 2023, with 17,591 births and 4,535 deaths per day. It is growing at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent, and nearly 3.6 children are born to a woman on average in the country.Pakistan spends 1.2% of its GDP on healthcare, less than the healthcare expenditure recommended by WHO, i.e., 5% of GDP